воскресенье, 22 октября 2017 г.

Philippians 3:2 Beware of dogs - 5

Philippians 3: 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers...
It turns out that despite Peter seeing the vision and the Holy Spirit descending on the Gentiles in AD 36, the disputes and disagreements continue for 13 years. In AD 49, the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem resulted in the finaldecision relating to circumcision and the Law of Moses. The letters instructing congregations what canons to obey (Acts 15:28, 29) were sent, nevertheless the abolition of the Law of Moses and circumcision was not spelled out clearly. Based on the principle of Christ, which is the spirit of freedom and not of slavery, the focus was on what was allowed to do. The letters contained no instructions concerning forbidden issues. Therefore, the secret followers of the Law of Moses (Watch Tower 15.3.03 p. 8.9) continue to insist on it.
It is incredible but the apostle Paul calls these members of the Christian congregation "DOGS"! But why is it so?Anyone today allowing himself or herself to speak brazenly out about those who belong to the assembly would be consideredslander.
However, Apostle Paul had his reasons. These Christians did not come from anywhere. They were pioneers of Christianity, and as their influence increased, their behavior became akin to animals. Compared to watchdogs, the strongest are considered de facto wise. They build a mob when they feel blood, and commit abuse only all together they discover themselves the moment they build their majority. (G04.8.5Mobbing)
They will tear at righteous Naboth, Zechariah or the wicked Ahaz or Jezebel with equalfury to leak their blood. Paul opposing himself to them said:«Iam innocent of the blood of all " (Acts 20:26)
The blood symbolized life and therefore the faith of those dogs-Christians that   was being destroyed by them. As a matter of fact they are prophetically mentioned in the sufferings of the Lord. Psalms 22:16 "For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet".
As can be seen in Matthew 15:27 Gentiles allowed their dogs under the table while eating. Despite dog becoming one of the most beloved pets nowadays, dogs were the source of loathing for many people because of their particular shamelessness and some disgusting instincts at all times. It is said "to beware of dogs and circumcision" (Phil 3:2) It is clear from the context that the pioneers of Christianity, who preached the need for observance of the Law of Moses, circumcision and oral injunctions, were called "dogs". Moreover, they were not just ordinary Christians.
Is 56:11 «Yes, they are greedy dogs
Which never have enough.
And they are shepherds
Who cannot understand;
They all look to their own way,
Every one for his own gain,
From his own territory."
Levites and priests were appointed and trained to carry out the procedure of circumcision in a solemn and proper way in the temple, but who would be appointed and able to do this in the Christian congregation? Who commissioned them to do this? Suppose our brothers from the Crimea had come to Moscow, and to join the meeting they were made by the elders to take off their trousers in order to check whether they were circumcised?
Judas justly warned us not to "ransack in dirty linen" Jude 23 "...hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. »
This reminds us of David who called Nabal "a dog pissing on the wall"(1 Sam 25:22). –David could endure Saul's attempts to kill him, but not Nabal’s prudishness and rudeness. There is a proverb that illustrates that very kind of people: "Do not bite the hands that feed you."Dogs are associated with being shameless as they can openly piss sometimes on your car or sometimes even on your trousers. Hebrew Azurbeazub is a Jewish idiom, the expression used in the case of extermination and punishment. The saddest thing here is that they not only "piss on the wall", but on "the pillar and ground of the truth." i.e. a congregation (1 Tim 3:15).
They are such as Nabal and Diotreph who are similar to dogs, that not only can but like pissing on the walls and pillars, mark their territory, and any outsider is considered their enemy to be driven away. (W 03.15.8)The Jews disgusted dogs as according to the Law of Moses (Lev 11:27) the dog was an unclean animal. (Exodus 22:31; Deuteronomy 23:18; Isaiah 66:3; Revelation 22:15)
Therefore, Jesus warned in Matthew 7:6 "“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; ... lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.", i.e. the holy things – FAITH! 
Do not give it, do not reveal it, and do notruin it with them, because they will trample it under their feet. It is also said not in vain “your pearl”, not the God’s one, i.e. your faith and virtues.
They will turn all “yours” against you and attack you at any given opportunity to tear you to pieces. So the pearl is trampled not because it is worthy of neglect, but because it got to the dogs. Beasts do not become beautiful, but dogs bite beside that.
This one reminder is relatedclosely to cynicism and those who always see the bad in others (hang on word). They diligently search for weaknesses in your understanding and cling like grim death hanging on words.
This name comes from the Greek word - cynicosthat described their lack of good fellowship and arrogance. It means being like a dog. (W15.07.00) Their influence was the reason why Peter and Barnabas demonstrated double-faced behaviour in Antioch (Gal 2:11-14). Harsh accusations against these dog-lawyers in Paul’s letters serve as a proof. There was no clear stipulation of prohibition against the Law of Moses and circumcision, and they began to implement slowly (W1.3.91par19) their destructive influence. In addition,actually Paul took the responsibility not only to expose themexclusively, but also to call them apostates. Gal. 1:9, 10 “if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
15-17  But when it pleased God to reveal His Son in me that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, (and how unflatteringly Paul speaks about the governing council in Jerusalem, in which there were almost no apostles already left!) I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, (without permission!) and returned to Damascus. Let us remember that 13 years later after Paul’s encounter with Christ, he came to the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem and together with Peter presented all the facts and visions. What for?  ".. lest by any means I might run, or had run, in vain." (Gal 2:2) And Paul points out that no one forced him to circumcise Titus then... And again he calls those lurking lawyers very harshly Gal 2:4 " And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,"

Two years later, Paul publicly advised on the apostle Peter warning him, who together with Barnabas apparently liberalized those lawyers’ attitude, and tried all his best to keep the peace in congregations.Paul himself urged to peace in Rom 12:18; and of course so did a brother of the Lord. James 3:18. Peter heeded Paul's advice but later he had to choose his attitude in the situation. The Lord shows it clearly. AndPeter had to escape to Babylon. If he had not done that, he would have ended up as James who was stoned in AD 62 for condemning the lawyers in his message with harsh words. (James 3:13-18, 4: 1-10). It was the fulfillment of what Jesus had prophesied over Peter in John 21:18 “Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you (“dogs” did their best), and carry you where you do not wish.”
Perhaps Jesus was referring to the prototype of Manasseh, the anointed one, when he was bound and dragged to Babylon. When Peter left office of an apostle in Jerusalem and the dogs seized power, he had to experience the feelings of the "deposed" one, which he probably had before his death. The apostle Peter was bound on his hands and feet and probably wept for the congregation and the brothers, but unlike Manasseh, he did not return to Jerusalem and, having written letters warning US!, died there in Babylon at an advanced age ... As well as at the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem in AD 49, Peter, together with apostle Paul, opposed them and showed very clearly in his letters the features of these dogs.

Gal 5: 9, 10 "A little leaven leavens the whole lump. I have confidence in you, in the Lord that you will have no other mind; but he who troubles you (and even anyone representing the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem) shall bear his judgment, whoever he is. 12 I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off! 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!" And here Paul uses another bright word describing the situation in many congregations. The word "sarcasm" which he uses here literally means, "tearing meat like a dog". Just as a dog tears meat from the bone, sarcasm destroys the faith of many, and deprives others of human dignity. (W 1.09.99) And here Paul took on responsibility to declare: "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; Yet the law is not of faith "(Gal 3: 10, 12) and make a final point without consulting with those who already exercised leadership in Jerusalem. Romans 10:4 «For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."
This caused such ferocity that upon the arrival of Paul in Jerusalem in A.D. 56 they hatched a plot how to get rid of him. Although Luke along with the local brothers, knowing what awaits Paul there, dissuaded him from the trip, the apostle was being led by the Spirit and the love for the brethren in the congregations in Judea who were suffering from hunger. Upon Paul’s arrival they called the second council (Council of the apostles at Jerusalem, A.D. 56), and resumed the operation of the Law of Moses. "Did you, Paul, say something about dogs? Anything about the end of the Law? Shall we even cut ourselves off? " (Gal. 5:12) They ordered not only to circumcise Timothy and Titus, but also made Paul fulfill the law of cleansing himself, and pay for the four who had vowed. What did that mean? We can recall the words of Zacchaeus: “Lord, if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” (Luke 19:8) or the words of David: «As the Lord lives, the man who has done this shall surely die!  And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing and because he had no pity. (2 Sam 12:5,6). These were the repentant injunctions of the Law! (Exodus 22:1) Therefore, they made Paul repent that he "lied and robbed the Law ..."
Yet there comes a decree right away, a kind of double leadership – they sent out confirming letters to Christians who used to be Gentiles, letters informing that the decision of the AD 49 was still valid…in those letters wasn’t clearly said of the banned Law.
It seems that the Law was temporarily restored and immediately abolished ... but in fact, they actually lived according to the Law, loved it and, they publicly massacred Paul to show: that is what awaits those who do not cooperate with us instead of being obedient. As for us, we are intended to interpret the truth in our own way, and you will experience it when the organization turns, God forbid, an evil face against you ... Do you not agree with us? Can you even confirm your arguments or understanding of the Scriptures according to the Bible? Well, leave it to you, just be silent ... God forbid you to start sharing this with someone in congregations. You must wait for the "faithful and prudent" to shed light on this issue. Studying the Bible without us? It is forbidden!!And what is more to claim some kind of theology. You should have no education at all and consider us to be the most intelligent and spiritual .. (km 09.2007 box of questions: Does the «loyality slave» approve an independent study of the Bible?)
Here it is, the ghost of the wicked one has appeared. One of its signs, outlining sectarianism - is to keep in mind mutually exclusive issues! For example, to say to all that our goal is to help people to study the Bible themselves, but as a matter of fact - to forbid!

Today's "higher apostles" from Jerusalem or Brooklyn are the only ministers who have the right to understand. And Paul obeys!  Although in fact he was provoked to oppose, the apostle shows humility, tramples himself for the sake of many brothers and the unity in the organization, and goes where they sent him to go. There, according to their calculations, the apostle will not be able to stay alive – and they hunted Paul there for 20 years to kill him. Yes, Jesus warned about this. Luke 11:46 “Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.”
These words were fulfilled even during the life of Christ, and we were told repeatedly about that. But the Lord prophetically warned that we would certainly meet with that kind of people. Mat.23:34 “Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city,”
It is a common mistake to translate English word “contradictory” - as a contradictory law. There are contradictory laws in the parliaments of some countries, when something is adopted as a law but at the same time, it is prohibited to do. The word ‘contradictory’ in English means a law which is controversial, causing lively disputes, subjected to harsh criticism, awakening the indignation of society. Contradiction became a mass effect in our society nowadays. There was greed displayed for everything that would bring profit or multiplication of the Community's assets. Today, you can easily find this if you visit the website of the US tax returns using the Internet... They accepted the invitation to become the UN members and at the same time they call it the seventh beast, for about 10 years..
They forbade them to get a party membership card instead of a passport in African countries, but allowed to give bribes for obtaining a military service card and false certificates of passing basic military training in Mexico. It is better to have a couple of thousand Africans in Malawi raped and torn to pieces as the model of faith than half a million neighbors in Mexico.
They allowed there for several decades to be called "the society of culture " for the sake of the growth of the organization, not to use the Bible and in order to gain wealth all around the country, to call the Kingdom Halls - the Houses of Culture ... It was not allowed to sing songs of the Kingdom or even to pray in those houses! .. This all was done to achieve the potential Growth!
They also made each and everyone around the world to tell true information on their education and occupation while applying for a job, while they made one to say, while purchasing buildings and property, to say that it was for an “uncle”, but in fact it was for cult objects.

When the construction of the Kingdom Halls was over, the letters disapproving such a lie and emphasizing organization’s interests above God’s norms were sent to congregations all around Russia and Ukraine. Well, again it was just like in the year AD 56. Where did these Cerberus come from? They have never disappeared and have always been there having emerged at the beginning in the 1st century. And they always opposed and bitterly resisted the true apostles until they expelled the apostles and took their places themselves.
It is appropriate to mention the two groups in which God’s people were divided in the times of Gideon. Jehovah ordered Gideon to separate those who got down on his knees to drink from those who lapped from the water with their tongue, as a dog laps. God did not need such lapping like dogs to gain victory over the enemy. (Judges 7:5-8) Because greed for food and drink, and as we can see above to the prey or property, is the hallmark of the "evil slave" (Mt. 24:49). It is about them that Paul speaks in Rom.16:18 “For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly...” Phil.3:19 “..whose god is their belly..” They could be recognized even at the Lord's Supper, as those who came there to devour ... (1Cor11: 27-34) 
And for us, this part of the Scripture has always been a mystery.  But the apostles spoke vividly of them: 2 Timothy 3:9 “...For their folly will be manifest to all…”And those, who will be able to see this, the society will start to call names, cauterize and persecute as Paul. Or as David: 1 Samuel 25:25 Nabalis his name, and folly is with him! The following passage from the Bible is very interesting because it has a consonance in the Greek legends about Cerberus Aida. Cerberus was the three-headed hound of Hades, which guarded the gates of the underworld and prevented the escape of the shades of the dead. Hercules had to fight him to open the way to liberation. Psalm 49:13-14 This is the way of those who are foolish, And of their posterity who approve their sayings. Like sheep they are laid in the grave;
Death shall feed on them; The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning (when the morning star rises in your hearts); And their beauty shall be consumed in the grave, far from their dwelling.

God Hades associates with the word hell, or grave, and has a parallel with the angel of the abyss - Avvadon, guarding the dead, the Rephaim and the other twice dead. Hades was the son of Kronos of Hades, guarding the unblessed souls of mortals with the help of his three-headed dog, and there must be someone to fight and tame the Cerberus guarding them. The comparison of the "higher apostles" with the Cerberus neither surprised the Greek philistine nor evoked unnecessary associations, everything was clear to all. But who then was Paul himself if he used this example from Greek mythology to accuse "higher apostles" in philosophizing? The most likely reason was the book of Enoch. This was the only book, of all not included in the Scripture, to concentrate attention on the ministry of angels and there were some incomprehensible prophecies concerning humility and the law..But after all apostles Peter and James, and Judas referred to it. That was the point that despite that, Paul individually opposed the book of Enoch because it contained prophecies or teachings that contradicted what Jesus taught. Some Talmudists claim that it may be due to the fact that there was not one reliable source, but there were several manuscripts claiming to be the original and that was the cause of bitter disputes and quarrels. That may have been so but today it remains a mystery… Apparently Paul seems  not mainly to be against the book, but stood against the skillful manipulative use of the Scripture by those dogs to abduct the souls of simple-hearted Christians. In Greek mythology, it was similar to the abduction of Parsefony by Aid. This detail of the legend was often used by the philosophers of that time to accuse some pseudo-teachers of kidnapping or enticement of other students. There may be legends but the book of Genesis reveals enough the veil about the angels abducting the human daughters.

The legend of Hades was not the original source, but merely repeated what was described in the Bible about an antediluvian world. Paul therefore referred to the prefiguration contained in this legend, but he stressed that if you want to understand the Scripture, then only Jesus and his teaching is the key to this. Col. 2:9 “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us,” What kind of Scripture is Paul saying here about? If it was necessary to destroy what is even a small part, then this contradicts the words of the Lord. Mt 5:17, 18 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law ...” If Paul speaks of the destruction of some small part of the Scripture, Jesus uses a hyper-comparison, indicating that even a line from Scripture, a punctuation mark cannot be destroyed. But if we look at the contradictory book of Enoch, to which neither the Lord nor any of the ancient prophets referred, then it becomes clear which manuscript Paul spoke about. Colossians 2:18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 20 So if you died for the elements of the world, then why do you ... keep the decrees: Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why…do you subject yourselves to regulations—“
And here Paul quotes some parts of the Scripture, which cannot be found in any book of the Bible today.
21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” - 22 which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men? Yes, Paul clearly opposed this book, calling it the human teaching.  Col. 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Gr. word blepete – to see, be sighted, figuratively means to understand.
Gr. tis  for nobody to , no matter who he is. Gr. Galogon – to captivate, take away other's prey, kidnap, rob, as Hades kidnapped Persephone. Gr. sia- quietly, imperceptibly, secretly. Gr. Aenos - empty, vain, empty.
Gr.apates - deceit, cunning, crafty.
Gr. paradoxin (paradoxon) translated as legend, tradition, but the word paradox is derived from it – and this word means something else: 1. Opinion, tradition, sharply diverging from generally accepted norms, contrary to common sense. 2. Unexpected phenomenon contradicting the accepted rules.
Gr. anthropon is a human, human-like, a man- pleaser.
Gr. stoixeinon- 1.forces of nature/elements, the first letter of the alphabet, the first and the easiest part, the beginning, the first element. 2. Walk in rows, to march. Where to? Gr. the cosmos is the world ...
Nevertheless Paul says, addressing us and not them: "But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed;”   (2 Corinthians 6: 4-9) “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12: 10)

Although in AD 56 Paul went to the temple and carried out the order of "the highest apostles" in relation to the Law and Sacrifices, the apostle, in his letter to the Hebrews in AD 61, denied the necessity of obeying those rules and regulations. Although Paul did not use the term "DOGS" anymore, Peter continued to call them “dogs” in his messages instead of Paul: “A dog returns to his own vomit”. (2 Peter 2:22) Those who had not followed Paul’s warnings died during the Roman-Jewish War of AD 66-70. As a matter of fact, it was the last time the apostle warned Christians of Jewish origin.
He calls them softly and theocratically "immature babies," and indicates that the temple not only has lost its purpose: -

Hebrews 10:11, 12  And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.  But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,
Hebrews 28, 29  “Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?”
Yes, Paul did not use unflattering epithets in this message, but still he said as before: "Now the just shall live by faith;» He tried to avoid calling them apostates, so as not to split the organization, tried to bring them to their senses and exhort them in order to keep the peace. Although the hard words the apostles used in the following letters show that, the conflict was brewing again.  And when Paul was freed by Neron in A.D. 61, he simply ran away to where no one could get him.  He was either in Spain or in Crete, maybe in Nikopol until they killed Jacob and caught him in Ephesus. Alexander the coppersmith, being instructed from Jerusalem, arranged everything for Paul to be expelled from the assembly and handed over to the authorities as a criminal destroying PaxRomana. What for?

Titus 1:10,11 For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision (DOGS),  whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.”
When Timothy was in Ephesus, his faith was also tested. The apostle urged him "to lead a valiant struggle of faith." (W 15.12.09 p14, par16) It seemed "the struggle of faith" can be fought in patience, persecution, in service, but again Paul spoke of dogs.
1 Timothy 4:7 "But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness." (Again, it implies several versions of the book of Enoch) 1 Tim 6:20 " O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust (FAITH!), avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—"
Instead of pastors, there were instructors who did not have their own opinion and were afraid to think. They were “dogs” marching in rows, clearly adhere to "instructions from above”, keeping them to the letter, to the point, and it does not matter they can come into conflict with their faith. The rules and regulations issued by those who established a monopoly on faith began to be accepted as divinely inspired. (W 1.06.1992 par 19, 20)
The book of Enoch is not mentioned in the Community, whereas the understanding of the truth presented in the publications is equalized with the Scriptures in an unwarranted way.

And the things written in earlier publications can be changed, replaced or canceled by a stroke of a pen.. (W 15.07.13)  Who is a "wicked" one? Such a one is among Catholics, Protestants, others, but not among us.  Sometimes we are afraid to take responsibility to think and see.  How sad it is to hear sometimes: "The less you think, the more adherents will follow you." And what a joy to know that Peter from Babylon took responsibility and fully supported Paul.

1 Peter 5: 2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion  ...”

2Peter 2:1-3 “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies… And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; ..”He calls them:" impudent swear men, Balaam, dumb animals, waterless sources, shrapnel and defilers (DOGS)." Judas also supported the apostles in his message using harsh statements. And as an epilogue, Peter concludes: So beloved, waiting for all this, do everything possible to ultimately appear before him undefiled and undefiled in the world. And the longsuffering of our Lord consider salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul, according to wisdom given to him, wrote to you.  As he says in all his letters, in which there is something unintelligible (about the DOGS, or the book of Enoch) that the ignorant and unconfirmed to their own perdition pervert, like the other Scriptures. So beloved ones, being warned about this in advance, beware that you do not get carried away by the delusion of the wrongdoers (2 Thessalonians 2:3) and do not fall away from your foundation (because of dogs). But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (W 98.1.6 par 9.10)
Therefore the Christ’s question: Who is a faithful and wise servant? is neither a statement of Scripture, nor a private issue of faith, but a matter of insight and the ability to see, to discern and to be awake, i.e. not to close your eyes.

Luke 17:22 He also told the disciples: "The days will come, when you will want to see one of the days of the Son of Man though you will not see."  Therefore, we need to see that Paul was appointed an apostle, without the "higher apostles" from Jerusalem. James, the brother of the Lord, and Peter recognized his independent appointment and apparently caused the teeth gnashing of the monopolists of theocratic authorities.

Paul continued to irritate those who claimed to a part of the "holy spirit" having set off for the three missoner's travels without their consent. When during the second missionary journey the Holy Spirit prevented them from taking the shortcut, Paul and Barnabas took a devious routebeing guided personally by Christ instead of listening to the instructions from Jerusalem. It is interesting to emphasize that Paul obeyed the Holy Spirit here, but in the year AD 56, when Luke, brothers and some prophet say to him through the Holy Spirit: "Paul, do not go there to deal with you ..." (see Acts 21: 4, 11) Paul does not believe them and goes ... and the purpose of that guidance could have been to expose the malice of these Jerusalem’s "dogs".

It turns out, which was not an easy thing to recognize, that gatherings were run at that time simultaneously from two different places!!!And those who followed the leadership from Jerusalem perished in A.D. 70 It is a lie that the lawyers could have left the "temple" as the foundation of the Law and their faith, because they made Paul and Timothy, and Titus to go there. The reference to Josephus Flavius ​​and Pliny the younger, that some small group of Christians left Jerusalem, is a kind of a legend but not proof because there are no facts that it was done by everyone.

Perhaps these were just those who listened to Paul, Peter, and Judas and managed to escape that fate. The fact Juda supported   Apostles Paul and Peter in Palestine in his message means that he openly opposed Jerusalem's "higher apostles - dogs", and raised a riot ...  And when some assemblies of the "governing council" were held in Jerusalem, they were not necessary in Antioch or other Greek cities. There was such strong presence of the Holy Spirit that Christians knew how to act. Having been taught by Paul and Peter, they did not need the leadership from "higher apostles".

Moreover, all that occurs today in the same way - all those who believed in the promise of paradise lie in the graves, and similar to the dead in the kingdom of Hades, together with the living ones they are guarded by the Cerberus of the organization. In the New World translation, these concepts are substituted, interpreted and carefully concealed. "The higher apostles" lie when they say that kind of division cannot take place in our organization.
We know nothing about the fighting between the leaders in these later days, and speaking of Brooklyn, one can confidently say there was the struggle between men of faith and those who have always been the prototype of dogs. According to the prophecies, the latter should seize the power.The last "higher apostles" are to consider the very Cerberus of the organization who have nothing in common with the Bible. Nobody has ever interpreted the Scripture the way they did. It is enough to consider their explanation referring the "generation", not to mention the quality of "food on time" to prove that. But back to the first century, you can see that the "wicked" one was finally revealed, due to the letters of Paul, Peter and Judah 2 years before the outbreak of the Jewish War! In the light of understanding the Scriptures one can certainly see who the "dogs" were, and this is not just an interpretation but an amazing explanation of  whom Jesus meant when he said to the Phoenician woman: "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw them to the dogs ..." (Matt. 15:21--28)

Taking into account Paul’s understanding and the explanation of Tanakh, it becomes clear. But to portray Jesus as a Jew with a reverential attitude towards the Law (...I did not come to abolish the low of Moses, I came to accomplish it...), and present him as a one who’s fond of “puppies”!?

Suppose there had been only “pederasts”, who was then Paul when he called so the leading council in Jerusalem? That’s why not believing the way this human layer dictates will bring its consequences. The same applies to being stuck to material worshiping, not only the Law drawn up by them, but also made up by them, and their false interpretations equalized to the Scripture.
They are speaking of the New World, but building for themselves the "paradise" in Paterson today.

Similar to Paul and Barnabas they will not stay in the field or at the roadside refectory where there were lice and prostitutes beside, but they will choose only 5-star hotels when traveling around the world. As of today, the organization, which has remained free from the "stones of the temple" for many years, has become surrounded with places and buildings, the laws of the organization and nomenclaturedevotees who need instructions and the letter of the law due to which such a system can exist. They are at war with everyone who manifests faith and tries to love Jehovah with their mind and soul, and not with the mind of those who have self-proclaimed themselves "the faithful slave." Same as Adonijah, the son of David, they make all the rest in the organization run before their chariot (not a Jehovah’s one) and declare to the whole world that they are reigning. The only difference is that there were fifty people running in front of the chariot, but here they make 8 million to run. (3Sam1:5; 1Cor4:8) Although they cannot do anything about it, they understand that the moment will come when this “gold of the temple" will be carried out, as in the year A.D. 70, and those who have been building  faith on will be thrown away  dead. On the other hand, how can it help to stay awake? Indeed, it will happen to those who has not believed in what they had to believe, and it will be too late for them ... but not for us. They wish death to all of us who has understood the nature of the dogs, but as one of my friends said: "Anyway, we won’t let these dogs piss on our graves."

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